Health insurance

•    Health insurance premiums are rising and unavailable to many people with pre-existing conditions. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is mandated to all people who need health insurance.

•    Between 2000 and 2007, workers earnings increased 22 percent, while health insurance premiums increased 72 percent.

•    Nationally, health insurance premiums increased by 6.1 percent during 2007.

A growing uninsured population

•    More than 55 million Americans were uninsured in 2006.

•    In 2006, 18.6 percent of non-elderly Americans did not have health coverage.

•    Eight out of 10 uninsured Americans are working families.

•    Michigan’s uninsured population grew from 10 percent in 1990 to 12.7 percent in 2005.

•    Over 280,000 Wayne County residents are uninsured.

Lack of primary care for people with low income

•    Detroit remains the most under-funded urban area in terms of federal primary care grants, despite the fact that it has many areas designed underserved and Health Professions Primary Care Shortage areas.

Declining reimbursement for uncompensated care

•    As more people become uninsured and underinsured, health care providers are asked to provide ever-increasing amounts of uncompensated care.

•    In 2007, $1.6 billion worth of uncompensated care was provided in Michigan. More than 50 percent of this care was provided within Detroit.

(Source: Greater Detroit Area Health Council)