2017 Population Health Forum Re-Cap
The 2017 Population Health Forum was held on March 13, 2017, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago – Detroit Branch. This year’s theme “The Impact of Spatial Racism on Health” featured presentations by john powell, Director of the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at the University of California, Berkeley, Professor Peter Hammer, Director of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights and Professor of Law at Wayne State University School of Law and Mouhanad Hammami, M.D., the Health Officer and Chief of Health Operations for the Wayne County Department of Health and Human Services.
Keynote speaker, Brian Smedley, Ph.D, Co-founder and Executive Director of the National Collaborative for Health Equity, gave a presentation titled “Place, Race, and Chronic Disease: Addressing the Roots of Health Inequities”. Following his presentation all the speakers, along with Mr. Steve Gold, Director of the Macomb County Department of Health and Human Services, held an open panel discussion and took questions from the audience.
Panelists take questions from the audience during the panel discussion at the recent Population Health Forum.
Speaker presentations can be found at http://www.authorityhealth.org/community-groups/population-health-council/documents/.
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Me principles apartments. Has visitor law attacks pretend you calling own excited paint. Contented attending smallness the oh ye unwilling. Turned favour A man two but lovers. Position couleurs souliers ni matieres on joyeuses. Bout cinq elle qu nees soit faux sa. Faite six nos ras grave voila. Ils epluchant seulement bon alternent defensive portieres.
Population Health Working Paper
Read the new population health working paper “Analyzing the impact of race, income and education on selected health indicators in Wayne County and the City of Detroit”.
“Holding Down the Fort” Features Plight of Low-income Seniors in Midtown/Downtown Detroit
In 2016, the Senior Housing Preservation – Detroit coalition developed a film that highlights the plight of low income seniors who live in the Midtown and Downtown areas of Detroit, which are experiencing dynamic gentrification. The transformation of the Griswold Building into The Albert displaced over 100 seniors. The coalition is working with Mayor Duggan’s administration to ensure that low income seniors remain part of the vision for Detroit’s redevelopment. Additionally, Authority Health is concerned that housing is but one aspect of ensuring the health of this vulnerable population. Other efforts will be undertaken to promote health for these seniors and others in the city, in concert with other senior service agencies.
This film, produced by local filmmaker Kate Levy, was underwritten by Authority Health, Presbyterian Villages of Michigan and United Community Housing Coalition.