The Health Authority’s Population Health Council has four work groups:
Data Resource Group
- data categories, validity, timeliness (2010-on)
- asset map
- gap analysis
- ID funding to support data studies
Deliverable: Summary of assets and gaps, recommendations for collaboration, data acquisition
Community Education and Advocacy Group
- Educate community leaders, elected officials, civic leaders on health disparities and impact on community well-being, role of place in understanding health status, what health equity is and why it matters.
- Mobilize advocacy effort in collaboration with MOSES and MichUHCAN, as well as other organizations to be named around health disparities and health equity, as well as health literacy
- Develop an updated resource guide on current literature about health disparities and health equity, particularly as it applies to community action strategies
- Social and news media strategies
- Wayne County/Detroit elected officials briefing
- Faith-based outreach
Deliverable: Education and advocacy plan for 2012
Community Needs Assessment Process/Action Plan Group
- Health system activity
- MDCH/WCHD local health needs assessment
- Population Health mechanism to collect data, analysis
- Action plan
Deliverable: Update on health systems needs assessments and health department activities, proposal for role of Population Health Council
Community Engagement Group
- Assess current initiatives under way designed to impact population health
- Based on Data Resource Group work and gap analysis, and community needs assessment data, recommend additional opportunities for community health intervention: public health initiatives, Health Authority wellness centers, health system collaborations, grant opportunities
- Develop measurement tools to gauge improvement in public health
- Identify funding
Deliverable: Develop an implementation plan that involves a collaboration between public health, health system, and community health initiatives that measurably improves the health status of Detroit and Wayne County, and serves as a model for regional implementation.